Heltec HT-M2802 LoRa gateway Frequently Asked Questions
This page contains the most frequently questions from user. If this page’s detail can’t solve your problem, you can also talk in our forum: community.heltec.cn
View LoRa logs for the gateway
There are two way can read LoRa logs.
1. Viewing Historical Logs
After entering the shell interface, execute the following statement to view the historical logs of the gateway.
cat /var/log/syslog |grep lora_pkt_fwd -a| grep "JSON"
Note: The historical logs of the gateway are not updated in real-time.
2. View real-time logs
2.1 After entering the shell interface, execute the following command to upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
rm -rf update_M02* && wget http://minerback.heltec.cn/download/update_M02.sh && chmod +x update_M02.sh && ./update_M02.sh
2.2 After the update is completed, restart and enter the webpage to see real-time logs.
Set a fixed IP address
In the configuration page click Net Mode
, then click IP model
and select STATIC