Hardware Update Logs
WiFi LoRa 32 Hardware Update Logs
First release
2017-6-1 public sale
Schematic diagram of V1
2018-9-15 public sale
4MB (32M-bits) FLASH upgrade to 8MB (64M-bits) FLASH;
Use 40MHz HSE (V1 use 26MHz);
Basic low power design (800uA in deep sleep);
Add Vext power output pin, users can use this pin to drive some external device (sensor, motor etc.), when system need into deep sleep mode, Vext can be turn off.
This pin was controlled by GPIO21, for example:
Turn ON:
digitalWrite(21, LOW);
Turn OFF:
digitalWrite(21, HIGH);
Changed some pin connection:
Circuit optimization, system more stable;
Better power manage system design;
Better RF impendence matching.
Schematic diagram of V2
2019-6-15 public sale
Change the RF switch from PE4259 to UPG2179, and change the RF part to the official recommended value;
Change the power detection pin from 13(ADC2: 4) to 37(ADC1: 1).
Schematic diagram of V2.1
2022-09-15 public sale
MCU is changed from ESP32-D0WDQ6 to ESP32-S3FN8. Specific differences of MCU are shown in:https://products.espressif.com/#/product-comparison.
USB interface changed from Micro USB to Type-C.
LoRa chip changed from SX1276 to SX1262.
The LoRa crystal oscillator is upgraded to temperature compensated crystal oscillator.
The size, appearance, pin layout and power pins remain unchanged, but the GPIO sequence has changed. Please refer to Pinout diagram.
Wireless Tracker
First release
2023-6-30 public sale
Fixed an issue where the GNSS module loses power when LoRa starts, enhance low power features.
Added an additional LDO as UC6580 GNSS power source, Set GPIO 3
to enable GNSS power source.
Wireless Paper
First release
2023-7-30 public sale
Changed the E-ink, If the protective film label on the screen is green, that means the version is 1.1.
Wireless Stick Hardware Update Logs
First release
2017-6-1 public sale
Schematic diagram of V1
The schematic diagram of Wireless Stick is restricted technical data,it will become downloadable after purchase.Please read this document:Get Limited Technical Resources .
2022-11-10 public sale
MCU is changed from ESP32-D0WDQ6 to ESP32-S3FN8. Specific differences of MCU are shown in:https://products.espressif.com/#/product-comparison.
USB interface changed from Micro USB to Type-C.
LoRa chip changed from SX1276 to SX1262.
The LoRa crystal oscillator is upgraded to temperature compensated crystal oscillator.
The size, appearance, pin layout and power pins remain unchanged, but the GPIO sequence has changed. Please refer to Pinout diagram.
Wireless Stick Lite Hardware Update Logs
First release
2017-6-1 public sale
Schematic diagram of V1
The schematic diagram of Wireless Stick Lite is restricted technical data,it will become downloadable after purchase.Please read this document:Get Limited Technical Resources .
2022-09-15 public sale
MCU is changed from ESP32-PICO-V3 to ESP32-S3FN8. Specific differences of MCU are shown in:https://products.espressif.com/#/product-comparison.
USB interface changed from Micro USB to Type-C.
LoRa chip changed from SX1276 to SX1262.
The LoRa crystal oscillator is upgraded to temperature compensated crystal oscillator.
The size, appearance, pin layout and power pins remain unchanged, but the GPIO sequence has changed. Please refer to Pinout diagram.
Wireless Bridge
First release
2021-04-01 public sale
Wifi Kit 32 Hardware Update Logs
First release
2017-06-01 public sale
2019-05 public sale;
Fixed charging status (orange LED) blinking problem;
4MB (32M-bits) FLASH upgrade to 8MB (64M-bits) FLASH;
Better 2.4GHz antenna design and impendence matching;
Basic low power design (800uA in deep sleep);
Add battery power detection circuit. Use ADC2_4 (GPIO 13) to read battery voltage;
Add Vext power output pin, users can use this pin to drive some external device (sensor, motor etc.), when system need into deep sleep mode, Vext can be turn off. This pin was controlled by GPIO21, for example:
Turn ON:
digitalWrite(21, LOW);
Turn OFF:
digitalWrite(21, HIGH);
Circuit optimization, system more stable;
Better power manage system design.
2019-10 public sale;
Fix battery voltage read can’t work together with Wi-Fi bug, change battery voltage reading pin to GPI37 (use ADC1_1), please refer to this example: ADC_Read_Voltage/Battery_power.
2022-09-15 public sale
MCU is changed from ESP32-D0WDQ6 to ESP32-S3FN8. Specific differences of MCU are shown in:https://products.espressif.com/#/product-comparison.
USB interface changed from Micro USB to Type-C.
The size, appearance, pin layout and power pins remain unchanged, but the GPIO sequence has changed. Please refer to Pinout diagram.
First release
2022-09-15 public sale
Wifi Kit 8 Hardware Update Logs
First release
2017-6-1 public sale
Wireless Shell
Wireless Shell is equivalent to Wireless Stick Lite without peripheral circuit,so peripheral circuit needs to be added when using,such as power supply part, serial port part,etc.
First release
2017-06-01 public sale
Schematic diagram of V1
The schematic diagram of Wireless Shell is restricted technical data,it will become downloadable after purchase.Please read this document:Get Limited Technical Resources .
2022-09-15 public sale
MCU is changed from ESP32-PICO-V3 to ESP32-S3FN8. Specific differences of MCU are shown in:https://products.espressif.com/#/product-comparison.
LoRa chip changed from SX1276 to SX1262.
The LoRa crystal oscillator is upgraded to temperature compensated crystal oscillator.
The size, appearance, pin layout and power pins remain unchanged, but the GPIO sequence has changed. Please refer to Pinout diagram.
HT-CT62 only have ESP32 and RF relevant circuit inside. In order to program it, need connect to an external UART-USB bridge. CH340G, CP2102 etc.
First release
2022-09-15 public sale